« December 12, 2010 Khyongla Rato Rinpoche begins this years teachings at Rato Dratsang. | Main | Thubten Tsering Lingtsang »

The Tibet Center's New York City Temple Project

As the oldest Tibetan Buddhist center in New York City our vision is to enable the spiritual development of all New Yorkers regardless of religious preference. To complement this mission we have established a building fund and have achieved the first third of our goal. The completed project will include:

  • A spacious quiet atmosphere conducive to study and reflection
  • An open forum for discussion among all religions
  • A venue for public talks, lectures, and religious ceremonies
  • A library, reading room, and learning center

Your generous involvement in the project will enormously benefit the entire community.

As we turn to a new year join us in creating this unique ecumenical space. Please consider a tax-deductible donation of any amount toward this worthwhile endeavor.

Make a donation >

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